Journey One

The Old Stone Age

The Old Stone Age is the earliest and longest period in the development of human culture, 35,000 years ago. In the Paleolithic Age man survived on what was naturally found and lived in caves or used over-hanging rocks for shelter. What is known about this period comes from pointed stone tools and weapons – the Stone Age, or Paleolithic Age, from the Greek word “paleo” meaning “ancient” and “lithos” meaning “stone”.

Evidence shows that early man was both a hunter and an artist. As a hunter he used tools necessary for survival and as the making of these tools required creative thinking, he was an artist. The first tools were created from pebbles and stones and early man linked both “form” and “function” to assure a successful hunt.

As the last Ice Age was nearing an end in Europe hunting and food gathering continued, however a climate change brought vegetation and animals to a once barren land. People moved to areas that were once covered by glaciers and started to hunt bison, deer, bear and horses with the help domesticated dogs. They fished from oceans and rivers and either used nets or spears from wooden boats. Shelter was built from branches and bark and stone axes were used to fall trees.

The Old Stone Age Studies

Lescaux Cave

On September 12, 1940, four boys were examining a fox hole which their dog had fallen into on the hill of Lescaux in Southwestern France. After widening the hole they slide down to the bottom.
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The Chauvet Cave

The Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in Ardèche southern France contains some of the best preserved cave paintings in the world. This cave was discovered on December 18, 1994 by three cave scientists - speleologists. The original is closed to the public, but you will be very surprised of how you will visit it.
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Neolithic Sculpture

Neolithic Period - "New Age" -began after the end of the last Ice Age and varied across cultures- 8000 BC -500 AD.  The Art of these periods reflected that people had changed from hunter-gatherers to settlers living mainly in farming communities, giving a stability of agriculture producers.
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Art Activity- Cave Wall Painting

Watch the video, choose ideas from the cave art ideas and have fun !
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