Journey Two

Journey Two

Welcome to Artline – Journey Two ! We now continue our travels in the Ancient Near East and will explore Ancient Egypt, visiting the Great Pyramids of Giza and meet the Boy King Tutankhamen.

Then we will explore the Aegean lands full of sea creatures and volcanos and examine a sarcophagus.

And Yes, you will also have the opportunity to create some fun Art Activities.

Let’s start now !

Journey Two Lessons


Life in Ancient Egypt focused around the Nile River, which runs from south to north and finally flows into the … Continue reading Egyptian
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Three distinct civilizations developed northwest of Egypt and Mesopotamia in the area of the Aegean Sea.
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Ancient Greece

Invasions of the Aegean and the Peloponnesus lasted for 100 years. These raids were small, but persistent and invaders finally succeeded in settling in southern Greece. Life returned to a nomadic tradition. Art and the curiosity of learning were replaced with daily survival.
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