Ancient Greece

Greek Pottery

Video- 4:32

Clay – keramos – to produce pottery – kerameikos– was readily available throughout Ancient Greece. The first examples of pottery were created in the coil method. Later the potter’s wheel was used. The wheel potter made clay pieces in separate horizontal sections: the foot, the lower and upper body the neck and finally the handles if necessary. Then all was joined together with a clay ‘slip’- liquid clay, after drying. The piece was then put back on the wheel to smooth the joined sections.

Throughout Greek time periods, decoration styles of the pottery varied, as well as the glazing technique.

  • Proto-Geometric pottery

  • Geometric pottery

  • Black-figure pottery

  • Red-figure pottery

Finally it was fired at a temperature of around 960 degrees. This is relatively low and explains the softness of Greek Pottery.

Greek potters produced wares for practical use: to hold wine, water, oil and perfume.

Let’s discuss & talk…..

  • What method was used by the first Greek Potters ?
  • Can you name the parts of the amphora that were in later years thrown on a wheel by potters and then assembled ?