
Santorini – Thera, The Volcano

Video – 4:59

This Minoan eruption – magnitude of 6-7- was a major catastrophic  volcanic eruption that devastated the Aegean Island of Thera, now called Santorini in 1600 BC. It destroyed the settlement at Akrotiri and nearby communities and agricultural areas on the nearby islands and the coast of Crete with related earthquakes and tsunamis and was one of largest event on volcanic history.

Interestingly there are no clear ancient records of the eruption. It is thought that ash fall from Thera on the eastern half of Crete choked off plant life, causing starvation of the local population as well as the continuation of major earthquakes and tsunamis.

Let’s talk & discuss……

  • What catastrophic events have there been in your life ?
  • How have they affected you or our world ?