Ancient Near East

The Sumerian Tablets

Like many other creation stories from different cultures around the world, the Sumerian clay tablets tell a story of how GODS created and modified mankind in their own image. About 4500 BC, Sumer, or The Land of the Kings created a highly advanced civilization.  They had an elaborate writing system and language of its’  own. It also developed incredible architectural skills, art and a complex knowledge in mathematics, astronomy and other sciences.

video- 3:38

This ancient culture developed an intricate religious system comprised of hundreds of gods. Each Sumerian city was protected by its’ own god at a time when humans and gods coexisted on Earth.

According to Sumerian mythology, in the beginning of time, gods came down from the heavens and terraformed the Earth in order to make it habitable while they mined minerals from the soil.

Let’s talk and discuss……..

  • Who were the Anunnaki ?
  • What did they believe in ?