
The Isle of Crete and Minoan Art

Video- 5:35

Sir Arthur Evans named the Minoan Civilization after the legendary Cretan King Minos. In Greek mythology, Minos was the son of Zeus and Europa. The Brothers Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon disputed over the kingship of Crete and Minos is said to have proven that the gods had chosen him to rule by successfully asking Poseidon to raise a bull from the sea.

Minos promised to sacrifice the bull in return, but it was so beautiful that Minos kept it for his herd. The bull became the father of the Minotaur after becoming the mate of Minos’ wife. Legend has it that the Minotaur was contained in a labyrinth and each year seven male youths and seven maidens were sacrificed to him.

Let’s talk and discuss…..

  • What legends of mythological figures do we have today ?
  • How are they portrayed ? (hint: television, video, graphics, other?)