Journey Three

Early Christian & Byzantine

The Byzantine Empire- Byzantium-AD 330-1453-  is also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire and was the longest lasting Medieval power. Its’ capital was Constantinople, modern day Istanbul, Turkey. The Byzantine Empire ruled land in Italy, Greece, the Balkans, the Levant, Asia Minor,  and North Africa. It had enormous influence over political systems, religion, art and architecture. It survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and continued to exist for a thousand year until it fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453.

The Empire was the most powerful economic, cultural and military force in Europe. It was founded by Emperor Constantine and became the most important Christian city in the world. The church in the Byzantine Empire was headed by a bishop who was appointed or removed by the emperor. Christianity became a key factor in the joining together of divergent cultures into a united empire. The influence of Christianity remains today in domed churches, impressive basilicas, religious icons, mosaics and other Art forms.


Early Christian & Byzantine Studies

The Lost Empire – Byzantium

This is a full length feature documentary of the Byzantium Empire which was also the first Christian empire. After a year of filming on three continents this film unlocks the ancient civilization spanning 11 centuries.
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What are the Catacombs in Priscilla ?

Underneath the city of Rome lies underground tomb-lined tunnels or catacombs that weave beneath the streets. These catacombs tell us about the customs and funeral traditions of ancient Romans and early Christians.
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Exploring Early Christian Paintings

It is not quite certain when distinctly Christian Art was painted. Since Christianity was largely a religion of the lower classes in this period the lack of surviving art may reflect a lack of funds for patronage.
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Jewel of the Byzantine – Hagia Sophia

It was built in 537 AD as the patriarchal cathedral of the imperial capital of Constantinople. It was the largest Christian church of the eastern Byzantine Empire.
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The Byzantine Mosaics

Mosaics were some of the most popular and historically significant art forms of the Byzantine Empire. They became a powerful form of personal and religious expression.
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Byzantine Art -Mosaics & Paintings

Much of Byzantine paintings were in the form of icons.  Byzantine icons were more of a prayer object and used to accompany prayers, to give the worshipper a two-dimensional image.
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Art Activity- Create Your Own Paper Mosaic

Art Activity - You will be able to create a paper mosaic like the Byzantine Empire did with tesserae'....Have fun !
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