Journey Three


Little cultural information was recorded by the Etruscans, who identified themselves as Rasenna. They were called Tusci or Etrusci by their Roman neighbors. They left their homeland of Lydia in Asia Minor- most of modern day Turkey- and settled in the area of Tuscany, between Florence and Rome around 700 BC. They were important maritime traders.

Many of their original towns are now part of the present day Tuscany. The Etruscans never became a unified power, instead they were based on religious rather than political ties.

A king or ‘Lucumon’ ruled each city-state. These separate city-states eventually proved weak and by the end of the third century Rome had conquered all that was inhabited by them.

Etruscan Studies

Who were the Etruscans?

The Etruscan Culture-600-500 BC- borrowed from the Greek culture and created a most advanced civilization in Italy, before the rise of the Roman Empire.
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Art Activity – Create Your Own Chimera

In Greek mythology a Chimera was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature, composed of the parts of more than one animal. Here are three ways to create yours. Use your imagination and have fun !
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