Early Christian & Byzantine

What are the Catacombs in Priscilla ?

Video- 11:04

Underneath the city of Rome lies underground tomb-lined tunnels or catacombs that weave beneath the streets. These catacombs tell us about the customs and funeral traditions of ancient Romans and early Christians.

The catacombs were carved out of tufa – a soft and porous volcanic stone that is surprisingly strong. From early 2nd century to the 5th century these subterranean tunnels became the final resting place for Christians, Jewish and Pagan citizens. Rome, in the 2nd century faced a problem of overpopulation and shortage of land. Burials were not permitted within city walls and the early Christians did not believe in cremation, so  underground cemeteries offered a practical solution.

Let’s discuss & talk……

  • Do we have similar burial places as the catacombs ?